Crazy Hands

Bottom-up Seamless Knit Raglan Sweater Pattern for Baby

seamless bottom-up knit raglan sweater for babies of 12-24 months old

This is one of my favourite knitted raglan sweater patterns for babies that I’m happy to share with you today. Among all of the patterns I like this one because it’s knitted using bottom-up technique and has no seam. Designed for the age of 18-24 months, it requires only 2-2.5 balls of yarn to create a cute-looking item that deserves a place in your baby’s cloth collection. Not only this raglan sweater is knitted quickly, it also has lots of customization opportunities. Enjoy the pattern below with tons of photos, detailed explanation of each step and Q&A section at the ned where I try to answer all your questions.

Knitting materials and knitting tools:

<> Circular needles in size US 8 (5 mm) – 16” and 24”;

<> Main yarn – YarnArt Jeans – 55% cotton, 45% Pac, 50 grams = 160 m. (174 yds.). Yarn color – white – 2.5 balls.

Finished measurements of knit bottom-up raglan sweater:

Age: 18-24 months;

Chest 54 сm (21″);

Length – 26 cm (10″) from underarm.

Gauge: 17 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette stitch

Note for knitters:

Knit with two strands of yarn at once

Common abbreviations of knitting stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

p2tog –purl two together

k2tog – knit two together

bobble: bbl

How to knit bobble stitch:

In the same stitch – knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1 and then drop the stitch from your left needle. Now you have 5 stitches on the right needle.

how to knit bobble stitch - step one
how to knit bobble stitch - step two
how to knit bobble stitch - step three
how to knit bobble stitch - step four
how to knit bobble stitch - step five

Turn your work and purl these 5 stitches.

how to knit bobble stitch - step six
how to knit bobble stitch - step seven
how to knit bobble stitch - step eight
Turn your work again and start decreasing: k2tog, k1, k2tog – 3 stitches on the right needle.

Pick the second stitch up and pull it over the first one and again pick the third stitch up and pull it over.

how to knit bobble stitch - step nine
how to knit bobble stitch - step ten
how to knit bobble stitch - step eleven
how to knit bobble stitch - step twelve

Body of the knit raglan sweater pattern for babies – begin at the bottom edge:

Cast on 88 stitches on 16” needles. Join to work in the round. Place marker for beginning of the round.

cast on of the bottom-up knit raglan sweater

Begin with rib 2 by 2 *knit 2, purl 2* keep repeating 7 rounds.Rounds 1-5: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 6: [k4, bbl] – 8 times, k48.

Rounds 7-11: knit in stockinette stitch.

ribbing and body part of the bottom-up knit raglan sweater for baby

Round 12: k2, [bbl, k4] – 8 times, bbl, k45.Repeat Rounds 1-12 – 3 more times.

Repeat Round 1.  Set aside.

front side schema of the baby knit raglan sweater

Knitting the sleeves of seamless raglan sweater:

Cast on 28 stitches on 24” needles. Use magic loop method.

In rib 2 by 2 work 7 rows.

Rounds 1-19: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 20: increase – knit one stitch from the previous round, knit until last stitch, knit one stitch from the previous round. Please check pictures how to increase from the previous round.

how to increase from the previous round - step one
how to increase from the previous round - step two
how to increase from the previous round - step three
how to increase from the previous round - step four

Rounds 21-39: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 40: repeat Round 20.

Rounds 41-45: knit in stockinette stitch.

Slip stitches to holder or waste yarn.

Repeat the same pattern for the second sleeve.

knitting sleeve's ribbing and body for the bottom up baby raglan sweater
finished knit sleeve of the bottom up baby raglan sweater

Joining the sleeves to the body of the knit baby raglan sweater:

Using working thread of body part, knit 32 stitches from waste yarn (first sleeve), k44 (front side), k32 (second sleeve), k44 (back side).

joining sleeves to the body of the seamless bottom-up knit raglan sweater - step one
joining sleeves to the body of the seamless bottom-up knit raglan sweater - step two
joining sleeves to the body of the seamless bottom-up knit raglan sweater - step three
Don’t worry if the knitting process becomes tight from this point. Also, there will be two underarms’ holes.

Round 1: p2tog, k28, p2tog, p2tog, k40, p2tog, p2tog, k28, p2tog, p2tog, k40, p2tog.

Round 2: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 3: p2tog, k26, p2tog, p2tog, k38, p2tog, p2tog, k26, p2tog, p2tog, k38, p2tog.

[Round 4]: round with bobbles – k30, bbl, [k4, bbl]- 7 times, k70.

Round 5: p2tog, k24, p2tog, p2tog, k36, p2tog, p2tog, k24, p2tog, p2tog, k36, p2tog.

Round 6: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 7: p2tog, k22, p2tog, p2tog, k34, p2tog, p2tog, k22, p2tog, p2tog, k34, p2tog.

Round 8: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 9: p2tog, k20, p2tog, p2tog, k32, p2tog, p2tog, k20, p2tog, p2tog, k32, p2tog.

[Round 10]: round with bobbles.

Round 11: p2tog, k18, p2tog, p2tog, k30, p2tog, p2tog, k18, p2tog, p2tog, k30, p2tog.

Round 12: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 13: p2tog, k16, p2tog, p2tog, k28, p2tog, p2tog, k16, p2tog, p2tog, k28, p2tog.

Round 14: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 15: p2tog, k14, p2tog, p2tog, k26, p2tog, p2tog, k14, p2tog, p2tog, k26, p2tog.

[Round 16]: round with bobbles.

Round 17: p2tog, k12, p2tog, p2tog, k24, p2tog, p2tog, k12, p2tog, p2tog, k24, p2tog.

Round 18: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 19: p2tog, k10, p2tog, p2tog, k22, p2tog, p2tog, k10, p2tog, p2tog, k22, p2tog.

Round 20: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 21: p2tog, k8, p2tog, p2tog, k20, p2tog, p2tog, k8, p2tog, p2tog, k20, p2tog.

Round 22: knit in stockinette stitch. I didn’t knit bobbles in this round.

Round 23: p2tog, k6, p2tog, p2tog, k18, p2tog, p2tog, k6, p2tog, p2tog, k18, p2tog.

knitting the neck of seamless bottom-up raglan sweater for baby - step one
Rounds 24-28: rib 2 by 2 *knit 2, purl 2*. Bind off.Sew underarms and weave in ends.

knitting the neck of seamless bottom-up raglan sweater for baby - step two
knitting the neck of seamless bottom-up raglan sweater for baby - step three

Here you go, knit sweater is done! Enjoy your lovely work based on the free knitting pattern of raglan sweater from Crazy Hands Knitting.



finished seamless knit bottom-up baby raglan sweater with bobbles

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Sandy Davis 23rd September 2016 at 04:39

I have knitted for years, but consider myself a beginner. I am interested in making the bobble sweater and went to my local knitting store today to buy the yarn and needles. The only time I’ve tried knitting in the round, I totally screwed up and I got discouraged. The gal in the store today was a little discouraging about my trying this bobble sweater, but I really want to make it for my first grandchild, who is on his way. I’ve read the instructions, but still don’t feel like I understand it. Also, I would like to make the sweater for a 6-9 month old baby size. How do I adjust the instructions for this size? HELP!!

annanitato_175 23rd September 2016 at 09:14

Hello dear Sandy!
First of all thanks for your questions.
I think that even if you are a beginner you will manage to finish this project.
My suggestion would be to check first some youtube videos on how to knit in the round – I am sure it will help you to understand the technique. In my pattern the idea was to create seamless sweater that will be more comfortable for the baby or toddler.
Concerning the sweater’s size – for example, 9 months girl has a chest circumference 44 cm and boy – 45 cm (I found this data in the internet). First of all you need to knit a small piece of example and check your gauge. Then recalculate it for 44 or 45 cm plus allowance. This task is a bit tricky for me as well, but give it a try – it’s a good learning exeperience.
You can also use my pattern, but take the smaller needles. One more thing to keep in mind – use suggestted needle’s number while knitting Rounds 24-28 (neck part – to make it wide for baby’s head).
I hope you will manage to knit this baby sweater and I am ready to answer all your questions here one by one.

Sandy 7th November 2016 at 03:42

I have been practicing, at your suggestion, knitting in the round…and doing the bobble stitch. I think I am ready to begin knitting this sweater, but there is one thing that I still can’t figure out. The base color I am using is a white yarn. Then, I have a green yarn and a yellow yarn, which I will use to make alternating rows of bobbles. The thing I can’t figure out is, when I make a bobble….and switch from my base yarn, white, to a color, how do I tie off the bobble in the back of the work? Or do I not do this? If I pick up the use of the bobble color, I end up with two strands of yarn in the back of the word. One attached to the ball of yarn…and the other just dangling there. Please explain to me how to incorporate the different colors of yarn without having all of these knots in the back of the work. Finally….when I switch to the bobble color, should I use a double strand of yarn, as I am using in the base color for the sweater? Thank you!

Sergii_Safonov_Crazyhandstore 8th November 2016 at 15:46

Hi Sandy, I’m very glad that you liked this sweater and ready to knit it. So I’ll try to help you as per my knowledge. So, when you start knitting a bobble stitch you pick yellow yarn, knit the bobble itself, leave yellow yarn behind your work (no cutting) until you start the next bobble using the same yellow yarn. Continue knitting till the end of the row and then cut the yellow yarn. Knit a piece of the sweater until the next row with bobbles and then take new colour of the yarn. On the back side of the sweater you will have loosed thread between bobbles in each row with bobbles. Maybe there is some other way to do it that I don’t aware of… Please let me know if everything is clear here.
Regarding your 2nd question about 2 strands of yarn – yes, it’s used everywhere. Check the pics once again and you’ll see it.
Have a great time knitting your sweater 🙂

Sandy davis 24th November 2016 at 18:32

Will the loose yarn behind the bobbles make it difficult to pull over the baby? Seems like they might catch on something, like buttons of under shirt??

Laurie 28th September 2016 at 15:59

Would love to see you size this sweater into larger sizes – it’s cute! I would want about a size 3 . . . 🙂

Carolyn alleyne 29th September 2016 at 22:12

Is. This knitted with doubled yarn. It doesn’t say in the instructions but shows yarn doubled in the pictures.

Sergii_Safonov_Crazyhandstore 29th September 2016 at 22:24

Hi Carolyn, yes, you are totally right. This sweater is knitted with two strands of yarn at once. Huge thanks for noticing it. I’ll add this info to the knitting instruction right now! 🙂

Carolyn alleyne 30th September 2016 at 12:06

Thanks for the prompt response. Much appreciated. I’m looking forward to getting started on it but will have to wait until I finish my current project

Lyn wilkinson 8th November 2016 at 07:15

The knitting materials list a main colour of white but there is no quantity for the coloured yarn and no reference to it in the instructions. Am I missing something?

annanitato_175 8th November 2016 at 11:14

Hello Lyn, I have used no more than 5 m of each color.

Sandy Davis 24th November 2016 at 18:29

So, I need to roll my colored yarn into two balls so that I have a doubled thread for bobbles, just like with the base white yarn. Correct?

Also, I bought two 100 g skeins of white yarn, but am concerned that it’s not enough. Will it be?

Name 28th November 2016 at 01:13

Can you post a video of the increase row in the sleeves. Also, do I need to buy another of the same needles that I’m using for the body of the sweater for the sleeves? Or do I put the main body on a holder of some kind?

annanitato_175 30th November 2016 at 00:57

Thank you for your questions.
I am planning to start making videos but that is not so fast process. I am sure if you check pictures better you can understand how I did increase row for sleeves. Regarding your second question – you don’t need the second pair of needles. Just when you finish with body simply put it on holder.
Let me know if you have questions!

annanitato_175 4th December 2016 at 13:56

Hello, I have good news for you. I have made video of How to increase from the previous round. Please follow me on Instagram where you can check the video itself.

Mazal 25th October 2017 at 06:47

Hi, I tried to do the bobbles following your written instructions and it creates a hole next to the bobble. what have I done wrong?

editor 6th November 2017 at 10:16

Hello. Try to pull the base color yarn tightly otherwise I dont understand why the holes appeared.

Sue 4th July 2021 at 19:42

Can I knit this pattern without the bobbles?
Can I knit this pattern on straight needles? I am a beginner and can’t grab the concept of circular needles

Knitting Guru 4th July 2021 at 22:14

Hi Sue. Of course you can knit it without bobbles. You can also knit in rows but then it is better do not knit a raglan. I know your feeling but trust me if you get once how to knit and join in round you will never knit in rows again. Check my hats tutorial where I show how to cast on and join to knit it round. Maybe it will help you.

Ivana 5th December 2017 at 21:45

Do you have this pattern in 24-48 m size? I would love to increase number of stitches on sleeves and body part and also to add at least 20 rows at body part but don’t know how many should I add and would that affect the upper part of sweater?
I made this size for my 14 months old doughter and it too small.

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 5th December 2017 at 22:11

14 months old and it is small???
That is very strange, maybe your way of knitting is too tight or simply the gauge was different.
i dont have another versions of this pattern but you can simply adjust it. Add as many stitches and rows as you need and knit according same proportions as in the pattern (neck line and sleeves)

Ivana 12th December 2017 at 23:35

Yes, she is 80 cm high and has 12 kg. I used the same needles as you and wool that fits that size of needles.

Candy 14th March 2018 at 22:35

What number weight is the yarn?
Thank you

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 16th March 2018 at 00:50

It is FINE. But I knitted in 2 strands of yarn at once

Nathasja 1st January 2020 at 20:29

I’ve been trying to make this, but it can’t seem to figure out how to attach the sleeves. Do you cast off any stitches before attaching? I dont understand what you’ve written.

Knitting Guru 3rd January 2020 at 00:13

Hi Nathasja.
I knit 2 sleeves and kept them on separate needles (or waste yarn can be as well). I did not cast off any stitches. When the body part was ready I just joined all pieces together using working yarn of the body part.
-Using working thread of body part, knit 32 stitches from waste yarn (first sleeve), k44 (front side), k32 (second sleeve), k44 (back side).

Let me know if it is more cleat now.


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