Crazy Hands

How to Knit a Scalloped Edge

scalloped knit edge made in three different colors - green, red, and pink

scalloped knit edge made in three different colors - green, red, and pink

Lately I am in a mood of experimenting with various knitting stitches and knitting techniques, and scalloped knit edge / border is one of them. I like it, cause it works out well with any project, whether it’s a dress for a toddler, a pillowcase or an elegant summer knit scarf. Whatever it is, this beautiful scalloped edge is a good project to try out.

Knitting materials and knitting tools:

<> Straight needles, size 4 (US 6 /UK 8)

<> Caron Simply Soft – 100% acrylic.

green color scalloped knit edge

Common abbreviations of knitting stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

7Eks – extended knit stitch – slip next 7 stitches where you pick up only one loop and make the second loop fall off the needle.

P7tog – purl 7 together

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch purlwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch

m3 – make 3 stitches from 1: insert the needle as to knit, pull the yarn trough the stitch. Do not slip old stitch off the needle. Place new loop on the left-hand needle. You have made 1 new stitch. Insert the needle as to knit into the new stitch, pull the yarn and do not slip new stitch off the needle. Place new loop on the left-hand needle. You have made 2d stitch. Repeat one more time to get in total 3 new stitches.

k1wyo2 – knit 1 with yarn over twice – insert right needle into a stitch, wrap the yarn around the needle twice, going clockwise, pull 2 loops though the stitch, slip old stitch off the needle.

sl st – slip stitch

sl1wyif – slip one with yarn in front

sl1wyib – slip one with yarn in back

four scalloped knit edge borders made in different colors - green, pink, red, and gray

Knit scalloped edge pattern:

Cast on 24 + 1 stitches or any other number that is divisible by 8 + 1 stitch.

Row 1: sl st, [k7, sl1wyib] – repeat 3 times. Slip the last stitch with yarn in back and turn.

Row 2: sl st, [k7, sl1wyif] – repeat 3 times. Slip the last stitch with yarn in front and turn.

Row 3: sl st, ([ k1wyo2,] – 7 times, sl1wyib) – repeat 3 times. Turn.

Row 4: k1, turn, m3 from the previous stitch, turn, 7 EkS, return these extended stitches to the left-hand needle and p7tog, turn, m3 from the previous stitch, turn, [p1, turn, m3 from the previous stitch, turn, 7 EkS, return these extended stitches to the left-hand needle and p7tog, turn, m3 from the previous stitch] – repeat one more time, p1.

That is basically it. In the video I am showing Row 5 and 6 but you can skip them if you are not going to use a stockinette stitch after.

Row 5: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 6: sel s, purl all stitches, sel s.

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Téren Lászlóné 5th September 2021 at 01:15

Szuper !!! Végre egyjó és használható videó.Köszönöm!

Knitting Guru 5th September 2021 at 20:09

Thank you. Happy you like it and found useful!


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