Crazy Hands

Chain Stitch Knitting Pattern

how to knit a chain stitch

chain stitch knitting pattern

Knitting materials and tools:

<> Circular or DPN knitting needles 6 mm (UK 4 or US 10);

<>Bernat Maker Home Dec – 72% cotton, 28% nylon, 250 grams -290 m per skein; You can use any bulky yarn you have.

how to knit chain stitch

Common abbreviations of knit stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

st(s) – stitch(es)

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch purlwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch.

chain knit stitch pattern

Knit chain stitch pattern:

Cast on a multiple of 2 sts plus 2 selvage stitches.

Row 1: sel s, *p1, slip the next stitch holding working yarn in front – repeat from *, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, *k1, slip the next stitch holding working yarn in back – repeat from *, sel s.

Row 3: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, purl all stitches, sel s.

You can stop at this point and start repeating the pattern from the Row1. I like when there is a bigger distance between chains, that is why I knit also Rows 5-6.

Row 5: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 6: sel s, purl all stitches, sel s.

Repeat Rows 1-6 to form pattern.

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