Crazy Hands

Nautical Knit Stitch Pattern

nautical knit stitch pattern

nautical knit stitch pattern

Let’s dive into learning how to knit a nautical stitch that reminds the look of knit cables or a manila rope, depends how you look at it :). It’s a beginner-friendly stitch to be used for hats and scarfs, or tote bags, or pretty much anything else you have in mind. Just make yourself comfortable with a salvage stitch and you’re ready to go.

Knitting materials and tools:

<> DPN 4 mm (US6 / UK8)

<> Jaeger, Spiral-spun (DK): 100% pure new wool.

nautical knit stitch that resembles cables

Common abbreviations of knit stitches:

k – knit

st(s) – stitch(es)

k2tog – knit two together

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch purlwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch

k2togk1 – k2tog, do not slip stitches off the needle, knit the first stitch again, slip both stitches off needle.

nautical knit stitch - making cables without extra needle

Nautical stitch knitting pattern:

Cast on a multiple of 3 sts plus 2 selvage stitches. I cast on 29 sts for my example.

Row 1 (RS): sel s, [k1, k2togk1] repeat till the end of row, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, purl all sts till the end, sel s.

Row 3 (RS): sel s, [k2togk1, k1] repeat till the end of row, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, purl all sts till the end, sel s.

Repeat Rows 1-4 as many times as needed.

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Janet Hemmings 25th March 2021 at 13:58

Lovely stitches. Great patterns. Look forward to trying these asap. Thank you.

Knitting Guru 28th March 2021 at 21:59

You are mostly welcome Janet

Wendy 6th October 2023 at 14:07

Ann, can I knit the Nautical Stitch in the roung for a cowl . Thinking a beautiful varigated coloring wool would be stunning.
Knit with a DK as shown in your sample. So how would I work the pattern in the round with a simple 2.x2 for starters.
Thank you for your stitch dictionary and showing ‘us’ how to knit with ther right yarn weight and needle sizes.

Ann 14th October 2023 at 10:28

If you knit this stitch in rounds, then you need to change Round 2 and 4. Instead of purl, knit them.


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