Crazy Hands

Baby Cardigan Knitting Pattern (6-12 Months)

baby cardigan knitting pattern

baby cardigan knitting pattern

Knitting materials and knitting tools:

<> Circular knitting needles, 4.5 mm (UK 7/ US 7)

<> Lanoso, Masal Bebe (4) –100% acrylic. 100 grams – 180 meters.

<> 4 buttons, diameter 20 mm and 8 stitch markers.

Size of knit baby cardigan:

Size: 6-12 months

Chest: 54 cm

Sleeve length (underarm): 22 cm

Length: 37 cm

Gauge: 16-17 stitches in = 4 inches

Common abbreviations of knitting stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

k2tog – knit two together

st(s) – stitch(es)

inc – knit the next stitch and knit one stitch below, then drop the stitch off the left-hand needle.

pm – place marker

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch purlwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch.

pink knit cardigan designed for the baby 6-12 months old

Knit baby cardigan pattern:

Knitting raglan of the baby cardigan:

Using long tail cast on method, cast on 52 stitches.

Row 1: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Place stitch marker in the next way: count 10 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 8 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 12 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 8 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 10 sts.

Row 2: sel s, k8, inc, k1, inc, k6, inc, k1, inc, k10, inc, k1, inc, k6, inc, k1, inc, k8 sel s.

Row 3: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, k9, inc, k1, inc, k8, inc, k1, inc, k12, inc, k1, inc, k8, inc, k1, inc, k9, sel s.

Row 5: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 6 (buttonhole): sel s, k4, with a tip of left-hand needle, count back 2 sts on the right-hand neelde, pick up the 2nd st and slip it over the 1st one, k6, inc, k1, inc, k10, inc, k1, inc, k14, inc, k1, inc, k10, inc, k1, inc, k10 sel s.

!!!!Keep in mind that you need to make buttonholes every 20 rows!!!!

Row 7: sel s, knit all stitches till the last stitch marker, k9, add 1 st, k2, sel s.

Row 8: sel s, k11, inc, k1, inc, k12, inc, k1, inc, k16, inc, k1, inc, k12, inc, k1, inc, k11, sel s.

Row 9: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 10: sel s, k12, inc, k1, inc, k14, inc, k1, inc, k18, inc, k1, inc, k14, inc, k1, inc, k12, sel s.

Row 11: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 12: sel s, k13, inc, k1, inc, k16, inc, k1, inc, k20, inc, k1, inc, k16, inc, k1, inc, k13, sel s.

Row 13: sel s, k8, p7, k1, p20, k1, p24, k1, p20, k1, p7, k8, sel s.

Row 14 (short row): sel s, k14, inc, p1, inc, k18, inc, p1, inc, k22, inc, p1, inc, k18, inc, p1, inc, slip next stitch holding working yarn in front, after that move the yarn in back and turn the work so the wrong side is facing.

Row 15 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. P2, k1, p22, k1, p26, k1, p22, k1, p2, holding working yarn in front slip the next stitch, then bring the yarn to the back and turn your work so that the right side is facing.

Row 16 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. k1, inc, p1, inc, k20, inc, p1, inc, k24, inc, p1, inc, k20, inc, p1, inc, k1, find wrap and the wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and place it on the left-hand needle, after that knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Like this you hide the wrap and get rid off the hole. Slip next stitch holding working yarn in front, after that move the yarn in back and turn the work so the wrong side is facing.

Row 17 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. P4, k1, p24, k1, p28, k1, p24, k1, p3, pick up the wrap (it is better to pick up the wrap on the right side), place it on the left-hand needle, then purl it together with the wrapped stitch. Holding working yarn in front slip the next stitch, then bring the yarn to the back and turn your work so that the right side is facing.

Row 18 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. K3, inc, p1, inc, k22, inc, p1, inc, k26, inc, p1, inc, k22, inc, p1, inc, k3, find wrap and the wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and place it on the left-hand needle, after that knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Like this you hide the wrap and get rid off the hole. Slip next stitch holding working yarn in front, after that move the yarn in back and turn the work so the wrong side is facing.

Row 19 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. P6, k1, p26, k1, p30, k1, p26, k1, p5, pick up the wrap (it is better to pick up the wrap on the right side), place it on the left-hand needle, then purl it together with the wrapped stitch. Holding working yarn in front slip the next stitch, then bring the yarn to the back and turn your work so that the right side is facing.

Row 20 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. K5, inc, p1, inc, k24, inc, p1, inc, k28, inc, p1, inc, k24, inc, p1, inc, k5, find wrap and the wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and place it on the left-hand needle, after that knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Like this you hide the wrap and get rid off the hole. Slip next stitch holding working yarn in front, after that move the yarn in back and turn the work so the wrong side is facing.

Row 21 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. P8, k1, p28, k1, p32, k1, p28, k1, p7, pick up the wrap (it is better to pick up the wrap on the right side), place it on the left-hand needle, then purl it together with the wrapped stitch. Holding working yarn in front slip the next stitch, then bring the yarn to the back and turn your work so that the right side is facing.

Row 22 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. K7, inc, p1, inc, k26, inc, p1, inc, k30, inc, p1, inc, k26, inc, p1, inc, k7, find wrap and the wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and place it on the left-hand needle, after that knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Like this you hide the wrap and get rid off the hole. Slip next stitch holding working yarn in front, after that move the yarn in back and turn the work so the wrong side is facing.

Row 23 (short row): Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. P10, k1, p30, k1, p34, k1, p30, k1, p9, pick up the wrap (it is better to pick up the wrap on the right side), place it on the left-hand needle, then purl it together with the wrapped stitch. Holding working yarn in front slip the next stitch, then bring the yarn to the back and turn your work so that the right side is facing.

Row 24: Now the working yarn is in front, slip the same st back and bring the yarn to the back. It looks like you wrapped the slipped stitch. K9, inc, p1, inc, k28, inc, p1, inc, k32, inc, p1, inc, k28, inc, p1, inc, k9, find wrap and the wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and place it on the left-hand needle, after that knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Like this you hide the wrap and get rid off the hole. K10, sel s.

Row 25: sel s, k8, p12, k1, p32, k1, p36, k1, p32, k1, p9, pick up the wrap (it is better to pick up the wrap on the right side), place it on the left-hand needle, then purl it together with the wrapped stitch. P2, k8, sel s.

Go on knitting raglan making increases before and after raglan line. Knit in this way until raglan line measures 13-14 cm.

Do not forget that you are going to purl all raglan line stitches on the right side and knit them on the wrong side. Pay attention that for the right and left edge on the wrong side you will knit first 8 and last 8 sts (plus sel s).

Do not forget about buttonholes!!!!

After all increases my work looks like this: 26 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 40 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 44 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 40 sts, pm, 1 sts, pm, 26 sts.

pink knit baby cardigan and matching white knit baby pants

How to separate body from the arms.

To knit the body, you need to separate the total stitches of the yoke into stitches that will become the body, and the stitches that will become the arms.

Row 1: sel s, k26, slip next 40 sts to waste yarn, k46, slip next 40 sts to the waste yarn, k26, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Row 3: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Repeat Rows 3-4 one more time.

Row 7-14: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 15: To make the cardigan a little bit wider I am going to add 1 stitch on the right side and 1 stitch on the left side in the center of each underarm.  This time when you want to make an increase, knit the stitch through the front loop, and then knit the same stitch through the back loop and drop it off the needle.

Row 16: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Row 17: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 18: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Row 19: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 20: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Row 21: repeat Row 15.

Row 22: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Row 23: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Row 24: sel s, k8, purl all stitches, k8, sel s.

Repeat Rows 23-24 until cardigan measures 34 cm.

Do not forget about buttonholes!!!

In the next row we are going to decrease 8 stitches.

Next Row: Knit the next row as you did before and decrease evenly 8 sts by knitting them together.

Next Row: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Next 8 rows: sel s, knit all stitches, sel s.

Bind off all stitches.

Knitting sleeves of the baby cardigan:

Slip 40 stitches placed on the waste yarn to the circular or double pointed needles. Leave at least 10 cm tail, attach the yarn. We will use the tail to sew underarm hole.

Rounds 1-2: knit all stitches around.

Round 3: k1, k2tog, k34, k2tog, k1.

Rounds 4-8: knit all stitches around.

Round 9: k1, k2tog, k32, k2tog, k1.

Rounds 10-15: knit all stitches around.

Round 16: k1, k2tog, k30, k2tog, k1.

Rounds 17-23: knit all stitches around.

Round 24: k1, k2tog, k28, k2tog, k1.

Rounds 25-30: knit all stitches around.

Round 31: k1, k2tog, k26, k2tog, k1.

Rounds 32-33: knit all stitches around.

Rounds 34: purl all stitches.

Rounds 35: knit all stitches

Rounds 36: purl all stitches.

Repeat Rounds 35 and 36 four more time. If you wanted to fold a cuff, repeat Rounds 35 and 36 nine more times. Bind off all stitches.

Repeat for the second sleeve. Weave in all ends.

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Judy Cosgrove 4th August 2022 at 13:04

Nice to get free patterns as I knit for a baby charity. HOWEVER, there is a gross error on line 1 (haven’t gotten any further). Cast on should be 52 sts, not 22. Please proof read your patterns.
Judy Cosgrove

Knitting Guru 5th August 2022 at 15:03

Thank you Judy, indeed 52 sts. I did correct. Thank you again!

Susan 13th February 2023 at 16:54

Would love to see slow version of your increase stitch!

Ann 13th February 2023 at 22:33

Hi. Just press a playback speed button and it will be slow

Brenda 2nd October 2024 at 05:16

where is the pattern for the leggings? Thank you.

Ann 10th October 2024 at 13:52 Reply

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