Crazy Hands

Caring Touch Knit Stitch Pattern

caring touch knit stitch pattern

caring touch knit stitch pattern

Knitting materials and tools:

<> DPN 4 mm (US6 / UK8)

<> Marks & Kattens Dream: 50 grams -100 m per skein.

Common abbreviations of knit stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

st(s) – stitch(es)

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch purlwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch

caring knit stitch for hats, blankets, covers, and scarves

Caring touch knit stitch instructions:

Cast on a multiple of 3 sts plus 1 extra sts and plus 2 selvage stitches. I cast on 30 sts for my example.

Row 1 (RS): sel s, knit all sts, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, *k1, slip next 2 sts holding yarn in back – repeat from *, k1, sel s.

Row 3 (RS): sel s, *k1, p2 – repeat from *, k1, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, *slip next st holding yarn in front, k2 – repeat from *, slip next st holding yarn in front, sel s.

Repeat Rows 1-4 as many times as needed.

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Trajoy 27th December 2020 at 11:28

I noticed that on row 4, you are knitting in the back loop. I see that occasionally you have done this on other stitches. Is there a reason and if so, why is it not noted on your instructions — such as “knit through the back loop. This is a bit confusing. Could you please clarify. Thank you so very much.


Knitting Guru 27th December 2020 at 12:39

Hi Trajoy. There is nothing special just a simple knit stitch. I am using a continental way of knitting and this is the way how I grab yarn. Just go on with simple knit sts

Trajoy 29th December 2020 at 07:49

Thank you for your speedy response. Your work is beautiful.

Joan 13th February 2021 at 06:46

Could this stitch be done in the round?

Knitting Guru 13th February 2021 at 17:58

hi yes. The difference will be in 2d and 4th rows. Instead of knit stitches – purl and if it is said hold the yarn in back then you need to hold it in front and vice versa.

Lyn Goodhead 14th February 2021 at 02:44

I cannot bvelieve I have found this pattern. I have been looking for years without any luck. Going through my knitting stash, I found a babye’s half finished jacket. I could not find the pattern at all. That is untill now. Do you have a tutorial or baby coat/jacket for this stitch. I would be more than happy to pay for it if you have one. I still can’t believe my luck in finding it.

Many thanks Lyn Essex England

Knitting Guru 15th February 2021 at 11:35

Hi Lyn, I am happy you have found what you were looking for. I dont have any patterns using this stitch. I am currently knitting baby cardigan but in garter stitch. It will be simple sweater, without raglan lines, so you can use it substituting garter stitch with caring touch one. I dont think it will be hard to do even you are beginner. Let me know if you need my help

Lyn Goodhead 14th February 2021 at 02:45

I would be extremly grateful tosee if there other items for baby’s using this amazing stitch

Knitting Guru 15th February 2021 at 11:35

Lyn, replied you

maura 17th February 2021 at 02:37

Are there any baby or childrens jumpers or cardigans using this stitch. I’m concerned about doing the shoilder shapings while maintaining the pattern of this stitch.

Knitting Guru 18th February 2021 at 13:53

Hi Maura. I dont have any patterns using this stitch. At least I dont have now. I recommend knitting simple sweater without raglan lines

Tina 29th May 2022 at 20:40

Row 2 says: sel s, k1, *slip next 2 sts holding yarn in back – repeat from *, k1, sel s, but it should say: * k1, slip next 2 sts holding yarn in back – repeat from *. Without the K1 in the repeat, it’s all just stitches being slipped. I’m a pretty new knitter, it may be obvious to knitters with more experience. Your stitches are beautiful.

Knitting Guru 30th May 2022 at 09:47

Thanks Tina. You are absolutely right. I have corrected it.

Betty Jo Zamora 27th August 2022 at 05:25

Hi! I had the same question as Trajoy regarding the 4th row, (you knitted thru back loop). You response was that it is a simple purl stitch; so instead of knitting thru back loop, would we just purl the regular way?
This is a beautiful pattern and would love to make a throw wit it!

Ann 29th August 2022 at 00:19

Hi Betty. If you are talking about 4th Row, you do not purl, you knit but though the front loop as you usually do. Sorry to confuse. I did not Trajoy’s question too((( Let me know how it worked please


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