Crazy Hands

Knit Ice-Cream Cone Pattern

knit ice cream cone pattern

knit ice cream cone pattern

We all love ice-cream, don’t we? Especially, when we were kids ice-cream was one of the most delicious food I could eat all day long. Those days are long gone, but my craving for ice-cream is still alive. Today I’d like to share with you an unusual type of gelato, the one made with needles, yarn, fur pom poms, buttons, and a bit of creativity. I hope you will enjoy knitting it and decorating one of your sweaters as I did with mine. There is one tricky part though – fixing all the pieces on a sweater, but don’t worry I’ll share my secrets with you :). Add a few thin strips to the cone first and fix it loosely to the sweater leaving enough space for the poms, then add pom poms, check if you like the way it looks and, if you satisfied, tighten everything. If not, then reposition the cone and poms till you find the perfect look ;). This way you can easily detach your ice-cream before the laundry.

Knitting materials and knitting tools:

<> Double Pointed Knitting Needles 4.5 mm (US/UK 7);

<> Alpacana Lanoso Yarn: 35% wool, 40% acrylic, 25% alpaca. Sandy color <0.3 skein;

<> Fur pom poms.

Common abbreviations of knitting stitches:

k – knit

k2tog – knit two stitches together

skpo – Slip, Knit, Pass Over

Gauge: 15 stitches = 4 inches

Knit ice cream cone pattern:

Cast on 24 stitches + 1 extra stitch to join in the round. Watch my video tutorial on how to join in the round on circular or double pointed needles if you don’t know how to do it or use hashtag #chknitting_joinintheround to find it.

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My small clip of how to join in the round on circular or double pointed needles. I realized that it's a bit hard to knit in front of camera🎬. ➰Cast on 1 more stitch than your pattern calls for. ➰Slip the last stitch to the right-hand needle. ➰Slip the first stitch over the last one and back received stitch to the left-hand needle. ➰Do not forget to place marker. _______________________________ 🔰Visit for #freeknittingpattern hats🔰. . . . . #chknitting #crazyhandsnet #crazyhands #joinintheround #knit #knithat #knitmittens #knitsocks #babyknits #ravelryhat #ravelry #ravelrypattern #뜨개질 #취미 #lavoroamaglia #fattoamano #yarnlove #yarnaddict #cableknithat #chknitting_joinintheround #chknitting_video

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Round 1-4: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 5: [k1, skpo, k6, k2tog, k1] – repeat twice. (20 stitches left)

Round 6-9: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 10: [k1, skpo, k4, k2tog, k1] – repeat twice. (16 stitches left)

Round 11-14: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 15: [k1, skpo, k2, k2tog, k1] – repeat twice. (12 stitches left)

Round 16-19: knit in stockinette stitch.

knit ice cream cone made with stockinette stitch
forming knit ice cream cone on straight needles

Round 20: [k1, skpo, k2tog, k1] – repeat twice. (8 stitches left)

Round 21-22: knit in stockinette stitch.

Round 23: [skpo, k2tog] – repeat twice. (4 stitches left)

Round 24: knit in stockinette stitch.

Cut the yarn leaving 5 cm (2”) tail. Use hook to pull the tail through the remaining 4 stitches, pull tight and weave in ends.

finishing tail of knit ice cream cone
adding waffle embroidery to knit ice cream cone


Use hollow fiber or cotton wool to stuff it. Sew the upper part and make waffle imitation embroidery.

stuffing knit ice cream cone with hollow fiber
stuffed knit ice cream cone


Doesn’t it look delicious now? You can also decorate cone with the bright buttons or beads.

decorated knit ice cream cone with waffle flowers embroidery and fur poms
decorated knit ice cream cone with waffle buttons embroidery and fur poms


Ice-cream cone is ready. Feel free to use ice cream accessory to decorate any of your knitted or crocheted items such as hat, scarfs, cardigans or sweaters. Take a look at my pattern of knit oversized sweater for kids and oversized knit sweater for adults.

Each fur pom pom has two thin strips that will help to attach and in case of laundry detach it.

knit ice cream cone decorates oversized knit sweater

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Azzeddine Dia 4th February 2018 at 00:59

nice work, you well done, I like this Idea Ice Cream 😀 😀 😀 😀

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 4th February 2018 at 12:31

Thank you ninco, my best fan and knit follower 🙂


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