Crazy Hands

Knit Owl Toy Pattern

knit owl toy pattern

knit owl toy pattern

Knitting materials and tools:

<> Straight or DPN 4.5 mm (US7 / UK7)

<> Barcelona, Loops&Threads (5) – 100% acrylic. 

<> For the embroidery, you will need yarn in three colors (yellow, black, and white) to embroider the owl’s eyes and nose, as well as a piece of white felt fabric.

<> Fiber for stuffing the owl., yarn needle.

Common abbreviations of knit stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

st(s) – stitch(es)

sel s – selvage stitch: always slip the first stitch knitwise, work to the last stitch, purl the last stitch

M1L – make one left increase: pick up the bar between the current and next stitch bringing the left-hand needle from the front to the back, then knit the bar through the back loop.

skpo – Slip, Knit, Pass Over: Slip one stitch to the right needle knitwise, knit in the next stitch and drop this stitch off the left needle, insert the left needle into the slipped stitch, pass it over the knit stitch and it’s done.

Knit owl toy size:

Gauge: 15 sts –10 cm (4 inches).

Owl side: 10*9 cm

two stuffed knit owl toys

Owl toy knitting pattern:

Knitting owl’s body:

Cast on 13 sts.

Row 1: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, k1, M1L, k2, M1L, k2, M1L, k2, M1L, k2, M1L, k2, sel s. (18 sts)

Row 3: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, knit all sts.

Row 5: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 6: sel s, knit all sts. 

Row 7: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Rows 8-31: sel s, knit all sts. 

Row 32: sel s, knit all sts. 

Row 33: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 34: sel s, knit all sts. 

Row 35: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 36: sel s, knit all sts. 

Row 37: sel s, purl all sts, sel s.

Row 38: sel s, k1, skpo, k1, skpo, k1, skpo, k1, skpo, k1 skpo, k1, sel s.

Bind off all stitches on the wrong side of the work. Cut the yarn, leaving a 50-60 cm tail, and thread the tail through a yarn needle. Turn the owl right side out. Begin seaming the bottom: insert the needle into the front loop of the closest piece and into the back loop of the furthest piece, continuing along the edge. Without cutting the yarn, seam up the sides using the mattress stitch. Insert the needle under the two bars between the selvedge stitch and the next knit stitch on the right side, then repeat on the left side. Before fully closing the second side, stuff the owl with fiber.

knit stuffed owl toy

Knitting owl’s wings (make 2):

Leave a 20 cm tail at the beginning and cast on 4 sts.

Row 1: sel s, k2, sel s.

Row 2: sel s, M1L, k2, sel s.

Row 3: sel s, k3, sel s.

Row 4: sel s, M1L, k3, sel s.

Row 5: sel s, k4, sel s.

Row 6: sel s, M1L, k4, sel s.

Row 7: sel s, k5, sel s.

Row 8: sel s, M1L, k5, sel s.

Row 9: sel s, k6, sel s.

Row 10: sel s, skpo, k4, sel s.

Row 11: sel s, k5, sel s.

Row 12: sel s, skpo, k3, sel s.

Row 13: sel s, k4, sel s.

Row 14: sel s, skpo, k2, sel s.

Row 15: sel s, k3, sel s.

Row 16: sel s, skpo, k1, sel s.

Row 17: sel s, k2, sel s.

Bind off all stitches and cut the yarn, leaving a 15-20 cm tail. Fold the wing in half and seam along one side, similar to how you seamed the bottom of the owl. Using the second tail, attach the wing to the owl’s body in your preferred position—I placed mine at the level of the first row of garter stitch. For further guidance, refer to the video tutorial. Sew the second wing on the opposite side.

For the owl face  you need a piece of white felt curved as shown in the picture. Using embroidery yarn, embroider the sleeping eyes with black yarn, adding eyelashes as well. Next, embroider the nose with yellow yarn. Sew the felt piece to the owl using a blanket stitch. To enhance the owl’s look, pinch the corners of the owl’s head and secure it with a few stitches to mimic owl ears.

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