Crazy Hands

Women’s Cable Knit Winter Hat Pattern

women's cable knit winter hat with white fur pom pom and yarn skein and needles on the side

women's cable knit winter hat pattern

Women’s cable knit hat size: 

Adult 52-54 cm

Gauge: 16 stitches = 4 inches

Common abbreviations of knitting stitches:

k – knit

p – purl

k2tog – knit two together

Cable 3 Back (C3B): Slip 3 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold in back of work, 3k from the left hand needle, 3k from the extra needle.

Cable 3 Front (C3F): Slip 3 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold in front of work, 3k from the left hand needle, 3k from the extra needle.

Cable 2 Front (C2F): Slip 2 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold in front of work, 2k from the left hand needle, 2k from the extra needle.

Knitting materials and tools:

<> Double Pointed Knitting Needles 3.5 mm. It’s ok if you use a circular needles;

<> Alpacana Lanoso yarn – 35% wool, 40% acrylic, 25% alpaca. Wine color. (In total I used 1.5 skeins)

<> Fur pom pom

You can always download ads FREE version of the this cable hat pattern by supporting my site and my work. Thank you!

Women’s cable knit hat pattern

Knitting ribbing of cable hat for women:

So lets start. Cast on 96 stitches for the hat.

Round 1: Begin with rib 2 by 2 *knit 2, purl 2* keep repeating 11-12 rounds until ribbing measures 5-6 cm from the edge.

knitting ribbing of the winter cable hat for women

Knitting body of cable hat for women:

Round 1: In this round, we are going to increase. For all my previous projects I have used the same method as I believe it’s easy and accurate. Please use any methods you know. In my case, I am going to *knit one stitch from the previous round, 4 k, repeat from * to the end of round. At the end of this round, you will get in total 120 stitches.

Please check pictures below on how to knit a stitch from the previous round.

knitting stitch from the previous round - step one
knitting stitch from the previous round - step two
knitting stitch from the previous round - step three
knitting stitch from the previous round - step four

Round 2: *12k, 2p, 4k, 2p, repeat from *to end of round

Round 3: *12k, 2p, C2F, 2p repeat from* to end of round.

Round 4-5: repeat Rounds 2.

Round 6: *C3B, C3F, 2p, C2F, 2p, repeat from * to end of round.

Round 7: *12k, 2p, 4k, 2p, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 8: repeat Round 7.

Round 9: *12k, 2p, C2F, 2p repeat from* to end of round.

Round 10-11: repeat Round 7.

Round 12: *C3B, C3F, 2p, C2F, 2p, repeat from * to end of round

Repeat Rounds 7-12 and four (five) more times. The hat should now measure approximately 18-19 cm from the edge.

knitting body of the winter cable hat for women

Shaping crown of cable knit hat for women

Round 1: *12k, 2p, 4k, 2p, repeat from *to end of round. Please don’t purl the last stitch in this round. From this point start Round 2.

Round 2: switch over first and second stitches how it’s shown on the pictures (where the first stitch is the last one from the Round 1), k2tog, 10k, k2tog, 1p, 4k, 1p, repeat from the start keep switching over stitches where it’s needed.

Round 3: *12k, 1p, C2F, 1p, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 4: *12k, 1p, 2 k2tog, 1p, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 5: *12k, 1p, 2k, 1p, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 6: *slip 3 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold it in back of work, [k2tog, 1k] – from the left hand needle, [k2tog, 1k] – from the extra needle, slip 3 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold it in front of work, [k2tog, 1k] – from the left hand needle, [k2tog, 1k] – from the extra needle, 1p,  slip 1 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold in front of work, 1k from the left hand needle, 1k from the extra needle, 1p, repeat from * to end of round.

Round 7: *8k, 1p, 2k, 1p, repeat from *to end of round. Please don’t purl the last stitch in this round. From this point start Round 8.

shaping crown of winter cable knit hat for women

Round 8: switch over first and second stitches how it’s shown on the pictures above (where the first stitch is the last one from the Round 7), k2tog, 6k, k2tog, 2k, repeat from the start keep switching over stitches where it’s needed.

Round 9: *8k, 2k, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 10: *8k, k2tog, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 11: *8k, 1k, repeat from *to end of round.

Round 12: slip 2 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold it in back of work, k2tog – from the left hand needle, k2tog – from the extra needle, slip 2 knit stitches to the extra needle and hold it in front of work, k2tog – from the left hand needle, k2tog – from the extra needle, 1k, repeat from * to end of round.

Round 13: knit in stockinette stitch.[

Cut the yarn leaving 15-16 cm tail. Use hook or tapestry needle to pull yarn tail through the last remaining stitches on four needles. Pull tight to close the hole. Hide the tail inside of the hat and weave it in into the backside of our stitches.

I am planning to knit a cowl in a similar style but using a different color for it. I hope you enjoyed knitting this cable hat with me. If you still have any question you are more than welcome to leave a comment or ask a question.

women's cable knit winter hat with white fur pom pom and yarn skein and needles on the side

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Brittany 27th April 2016 at 15:13

Hi! I had a couple of questions for the decreasing round, for row 2. First question, for the first switch over (the purl stitch) why did you knit through the back? Second question, after the K10 (the K2T) the second stitch is a purl stitch, do I switch that to a knit and then K2T? Or can I just K2T how it is and then go on? Thank you!!

crazyhands 27th April 2016 at 16:26

Hello Brittany! In first switch over I knit through the back because it was easier and at the end decreasing part looked more accurate. What I did in the second K2T I have turned the knit stitch and K2T through the back again. Hope it helps!

Brittany 27th April 2016 at 21:06

So just to make sure I got it, on the 2nd K2T, you changed the K stitch instead of the P stitch making them both P stitches and then knitted them together? And thank you! I absolutely LOVE this pattern. Thanks so much for sharing!!

crazyhands 28th April 2016 at 00:00

yes, exactly. Thank you for your kind words, please enjoy!

Brittany 28th July 2016 at 19:56

Hi again! Would you happen to know how many I would cast on if I took out a row of cables? To make the beanie for a smaller size head? Haha 96 cast on is just a bit to loose for my preference. 🙁 thanks for your time!

Kat 27th November 2016 at 18:13

Multiples of 20

Jacinta 21st August 2016 at 01:03

Hi. Am confused still. I have two knitting needles. I don’t know how to use four. Can you explain to me how I should go about it? Thanks

annanitato_175 22nd August 2016 at 14:46

Hello Jacinta,
just follow pattern and use circular needles.

vei vei 20th September 2016 at 17:03

Hi, Thank you for sharing a beautiful pattern! I am finished with the brim. However, round 1 is challenging. I am trying to increase as you, but, when I arrive at the purl stitches, am I supposed to increase with a purl stitch below or knit stitch? Wouldn’t the knit stitch effect the look of the purl stitches? I am confused. I love this hat pattern so much…I don’t want to give up. Please help! Thanks

annanitato_175 22nd September 2016 at 10:28

Hi, thanks for your question and I hope you still didn’t give up. You increase every 4 stitches, so it means that you increase only with a knit stitch and never with a purl, something like this – inc from previous round, 4k, inc from previous round 4k……… I hope it is clear now.

Rachel 27th November 2016 at 17:00

How many times and what rows do you you repeat to work the body?

annanitato_175 27th November 2016 at 21:55

Hello Rachel!
In my case I have repeated Rounds 7-12 five times, and at the end I got 18.5 cm from the edge. Finish knitting hat with decreasing rounds. Please follow your’s head circumference measurement.

Jacki 6th December 2016 at 04:33

How much did your yarn weigh? I’m wanting to make this or the winter cable hat but I have a skein of yarn with only 100 grams in it and they no longer make the color so am hoping to be able to make one with what I have

annanitato_175 6th December 2016 at 12:15

hello Jacki,
I have used about 150 grams for Wine cable knitted hat.
Alpacana Lanoso 35% wool, 40% acrylic, 25% alpaca – 100 gram 130 meters. How many meters do you have in your skein?

Juan 19th November 2017 at 07:14

What’s the weight? The alpacana says it’s bulky but it looks worsted weight

editor 20th November 2017 at 13:05

Hi Juan, it is 6-7 wraps per inch that corresponds to bulky yarn.

Nicole 2nd January 2017 at 23:15

Hi! Loving this pattern! I am stuck on Row 6 in the decreasing stage. I’m not sure what I’m doing with the extra needle at that point. Help please?

annanitato_175 2nd January 2017 at 23:54

Hello Nicole, you just continue working as before slipping stitches to the extra needle and holding it whether in back or in front of work. Just dont forget to make decreases. Please let me know if you have more questions.

Sarah 2nd February 2017 at 00:30

Hi there! Love this pattern but I am a bit confused on the first decrease row. What do you mean by switch ovrt first and second stitches? Do you mean flip them around so they are going from a previous to a key and an know to a presale then knit those two you just switched together and continue???

annanitato_175 2nd February 2017 at 08:55

Hi, When I wrote switch I simply cross them and then k2tog. Please check pictures below Round 2

Fran 8th February 2017 at 15:19

Made it for my daughter, and it was a great hit, every one wants one,. i had no problem doing it, thanks.

PATRICIA SMITH 16th September 2017 at 17:10

Can you help me with a few spots in the decrease portion of the pattern?

Lois 15th August 2017 at 20:50

I love this hat. Thank you for sharing. I want to make this for my Granddaughter but I wondered what other yarn I could use as I can’t find the yarn you used? Is this a #4 or #5 yarn? I wondered what would be equivalent to use? Thank you again

editor 6th November 2017 at 11:18

Hi. You can use any bulky yarn for this hat

PATRICIA SMITH 16th September 2017 at 15:29

What does round 9 8k, 2k and round 11 8k, 1k mean. Are we just knitting the whole round

editor 6th November 2017 at 10:56

yes, you are right, just knitting the whole round

Diane Wolfrum 8th October 2017 at 12:49

Love the pattern. What weight is the yarn you used? Aran? Worsted? DK?

editor 6th November 2017 at 10:37

Hi. It was bulky yarn

Neemat 26th October 2017 at 10:52

I wish u can make a vudeo tutorial, im a beginner knitter and i know the basics but these written patterns are so confusing to me when theres only pictures without a video! And i wish you can give us instructions for a child sized one

Suzannah 24th November 2017 at 20:37

Hi there,
I’m having a few issues with this pattern and would welcome anyone to help as it looks lovely…
1) 3.5mm needles seem very small to use with bulky yarn as all other hats with bulky yarn use 6-7mm needles. Wouldn’t this make the hat very tight?
2) Also I’m confused why you need to increase to 120 stitches as essentially the eventual aim is to decrease?
3) When starting to decrease I don’t understand why you don’t purl the last stitch and also how to switch the stitches (I’m sorry the pictures are difficult to follow) and where to switch them when it says “where needed”. How do you know when it’s needed?

I really want to start and finish this to crack it. Thank you for any help in advance.

editor 24th November 2017 at 23:03

Hello Suzannah,
First of all thank you for the interest and your questions.
1) My hat was absolutely perfect when I used 3.5 mm needles. If it hurts you can also use 4 or even 4.5 mm. If you take bigger needels I afraid the hat’s size might be too big. It also depends on how tight your way of knitting.
2)We increase because braids are usually make hat too tight. It will be definitely small if you don’t do it.
3)When I wrote switch, I meant to swap stitches or cross them and then k2tog. You do it to make decreases invisible. If it is still unclear just skip this step and k2tog.
“where needed” – after knitting part k2tog, 10k, k2tog, 1p, 4k, 1p you repeat it from the start and make swaps between stitches again where it is needed.

Let me know if it is more clear now,
have a good day, Ann

Suzannah 27th November 2017 at 01:11

Thank you so much for getting back to me Ann.
This makes sense.
Please could you clarify why the stitch isn’t purled at the end of Round 1 when starting to decrease. Surely you’re always going to be a stitch behind and the pattern won’t match.
Please could you also tell me if you’d be able to the turn the brim up and how I would change the pattern so it matches on the wrong side?
Sorry for all the questions!
I may try all this as a project when I don’t have the Christmas time pressure looming!

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 28th November 2017 at 17:43

Suzannah plz check how to make folded brim I am sure it is easier than you thought. Good luck!

Lisa 16th December 2017 at 02:50

I, too, wonder why you don’t Purl the last stitch of Round 1 in the decreasing section? Seems to me there will be one extra stitch left over at the end of the round. Do I just ignore that and keep going? I have been keeping stitch markers dividing up the pattern on each round and now it will be uneven.

Also, I suggest telling us beginners how many stitches we should have after each decrease round. Thank you!

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 16th December 2017 at 16:11

Thanks for pointing this out. Next time I will write how many stitches you have after each decreasing round.

gail 3rd December 2017 at 23:03


I tried to email you I just finished making your knit hat with cabled and fur pompom and want to purchase 2 of your black fur pom poms with ail to affix Please advise your recommendation thank you

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 4th December 2017 at 11:17

Hello Gail. If you want black tail pom pom please follow this link I would suggest you to buy not tail pom poms OR
Simply add what you like to cart and leave delivery address. Shipment will be done within 1-3 days. Let me know if you have more questions. Ann

GAIL 4th December 2017 at 02:20


Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 4th December 2017 at 11:15

Hello Gail. If you want black tail pom pom please follow this link I would suggest you to buy not tail pom poms OR
Simply add what you like to cart and leave delivery address. Shipment will be done within 1-3 days. Let me know if you have more questions. Ann

Hunter 6th December 2017 at 07:36

For the body it says:
Round 4-5: repeat Rounds 2.

Is it just repeating Round 2 or is it repeating Rounds 2-3?

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 6th December 2017 at 08:39

Round 4-5: repeat Rounds 2. So it means repeat Round 2 twice.

Lisa 16th December 2017 at 02:49

I, too, wonder why you don’t Purl the last stitch of Round 1 in the decreasing section? Seems to me there will be one extra stitch left over at the end of the round. Do I just ignore that and keep going? I have been keeping stitch markers dividing up the pattern on each round and now it will be uneven.

Also, I suggest telling us beginners how many stitches we should have after each decrease round. Thank you!

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 16th December 2017 at 16:07

Hi Lisa, you just ignore it as you said and keep going. You dont purl last stitch because I would like to start decreasing in that point. So your very first stitch marker will change its place and in the Round 2 will be before the first k2tog stitch.
if you take a piece of paper and try to draw knitting diagram for the 1st and the 2d Round then you will see why I am leaving last purl stitch of the 1st Round. Let me know if you understand it.

Olga 18th December 2017 at 22:26

Thank You for this pattern, I love it ?

Darlene 2nd January 2018 at 07:00

Hi, I also love this pattern but I don’t understand the decrease round 2. Do I switch the last and first stitches then place it back on the left needle and knit 2 together or knit the next 2 stitches together? Please respond I need help with this. THANK YOU

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 2nd January 2018 at 10:29

Hi Darlene. Yes, you are right. You switch (swap) last and first stitches then place back on the left needle and k2tog. If you have more questions, please let me know.

Name 3rd January 2018 at 08:21

Thank you!! I got it!!!?

Suzan 3rd January 2018 at 17:39

Hi Ann. I’m interested in getting 2 of the fur pom poms. Could you tell me if there is some kind of attachment on the pom poms to fasten them to knitted hats. Thanks.

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 3rd January 2018 at 18:11

Hi Suzan. Each fur pom-pom has two thin strips attached to the bottom that allows it to be easily fixed on the item (e.g. top of the hat) and easily detached for laundering.
Let me know if you have other questions. Ann

Ettamae Jones 14th January 2018 at 11:09

Hi for the increase I’m still getting 116 stitches instead of 120. I increased in the first stitch from the previous round then knit 4 snd continued to the end. Where did I go wrong?

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 14th January 2018 at 21:06

Hi, did you cast on 96 stitches? In total you have to add 24 stitches. So every 4 stitches 1 increase. 96/4=24 stitches, 96+24=120 stitches

Ettamae Jones 15th January 2018 at 10:30

Thank you so much I calculated and realized that I need 24 and should increase in the fourth stitch; rather thst after knitting 4th.

Irene 20th January 2018 at 08:45

New to knitting, what does the * mean in this pattern? Thankyou

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 20th January 2018 at 09:21

It means repeat from this point*, or repeat what is inside **. Hope it helps

Heels Palace 22nd January 2018 at 07:03

Excellent article! We will be linking to this great article on our site.
Keep up the good writing.

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 22nd January 2018 at 11:16

Thank you 🙂

Diane 6th February 2018 at 18:42

I’m having a hard time downloading the patterns. Help

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 7th February 2018 at 00:08

Hello Diane, there is no download version of this pattern. Sorry

Sivan 6th February 2018 at 19:22

Hi, there is one thing I can’t get right. It says that the gauge is 16 stitches for 4 inches, is that in stockinet sts, or rib by rib? I try to get that gauge but end up with 7mm needle.. am I doing something wrong?

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 7th February 2018 at 00:17

Hello 16 stitches – 4 inches in stockinette stitch. Did you use bulky yarn?

Merrymom 4th March 2018 at 19:59

Do you have a PDF version of this pattern for download?

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 4th March 2018 at 20:29

Hi, no sorry, there is no PDF version

Marny CA 10th March 2018 at 09:08

You are a gem to share so much! Thank you.

I’m looking for that ‘basketweave-looking’ hat that was shown on Pinterest. Dark grey …

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 13th March 2018 at 12:06

Thank you 🙂
Are you waiting for this hat pattern

Lynn 3rd August 2018 at 00:58

Hi I was wanting to make this for my 9 year old, just wondering how to adjust the pattern for a child size

Crazy Hands Knitting Editor 5th August 2018 at 01:12

Hi Lynn, what is your child’s head circumference. I can help you to adjust this knit hat if I also know your gauge

Jodie McGarry 14th December 2018 at 02:16

I would like a babys pattern for 6-12 month old child if possilbe. I have made the hat for her mom and it came out great!Thank you, Jodie

Knitting Guru 14th December 2018 at 17:01

Jodi I have answered you in your other comment

Jodie McGarry 12th December 2018 at 03:09

Hello, Im working this pattern and love it! The only problem is that I am on the row 6 decreasing round and think I may have made a mistake because the number of stitches aren’t working out right at the end of round. I have 90 stitches on circular needle going into the round. Could you tell me how many I should have, so I can try and figure out what I am doing wrong? Also, I would love to make this hat for my nieces baby, to match this one Im making for her, do you know how many stitches I would need to cast on for that and how to move forward with manipulating the pattern for an infant?
thank you, Jodie M.

Knitting Guru 14th December 2018 at 16:53

So as i understood you manage to finish adult size?

Knitting Guru 14th December 2018 at 17:00

Hi. As i understand you have done adult size ?

JODIE 14th December 2018 at 02:20

Hi, I was wondering if I could get the pattern for baby 6-12 months?? I made the hat in adult size and love it. Now I want to make it for my niece. Thank you, Jodie

Knitting Guru 14th December 2018 at 16:58

Hi. I dont know your gauge. After rubbing part the total number of stitches have to be devicible by 20. I would suggest you have the total number of stitches after rib equal 80. But use the yarn that is lighter than i used in the pattern. Dont change the pattern simply follow it. Let me know if it clear

jb 8th January 2019 at 17:18

Good Morning, on row 12 in the decrease there is only one * , when it says to repeat??

Knitting Guru 11th January 2019 at 00:39

Hi. Repear from the beginning of the round 12

Margaret 20th April 2020 at 00:27

Hi there. I love your pattern. A little confused at Round 3. If I knit *..* it leaves me with 2 extra stitches At the end of the round. Does that mean the 2 extra stitches get included in Round 3 of k12? If I do that, Round 4 will have an extra 4 stitches at the end of the row. Help!

Knitting Guru 20th April 2020 at 07:29

Hi Margaret. Are you talking about Round 3 of the main part? Do you have 120 sts in total? the part between *..* has 20 stitches, so you repeat this part 6 times, it is impossible to have 2 extra sts (120/20=6). Please check again and let me know.

Margaret 20th April 2020 at 14:57

Good morning. I have 120 stitches. Oh my goodness, I missed a p2 after the 2nd C2F in Round 3. Sorry. Appreciate your prompt reply. Have a great day. Be safe!

Knitting Guru 20th April 2020 at 17:16

Good luck Margaret and take care as well!

Deb Bergmann 15th December 2020 at 14:24

Can I get an easy to print copy of this pattern? I keep getting sentences cut off when I print? Also curious if this is made with a worsted weight yarn! I cannot get the yarn you used in the color my daughter wants and I’m having troubles figuring out what yarn would be comerable thank you

Knitting Guru 15th December 2020 at 22:06

Hi, Ads Free Pattern is here This hat is done with bulky yarn but worsted can work as well if you take a little big bigger size needles. I would say Bernat Roving can work here or Knit Pricks Simply Wool. You can also knit in 2 strands of yarn if you have something lighter in your stash 🙂

Louise Kavanagh 30th December 2020 at 02:15

Thank you for the brilliant pattern, my hat came out great. Would love matching mittens too.

Knitting Guru 14th January 2021 at 17:00

These mittens will make a perfect match

Maizie Morris 21st May 2023 at 10:57

Hi ,I love your patterns ,I have the hat ready to shape the crown but I do not understand how it’s done at all is there a easier way of doing it , i,m so frustrated with it

Ann 27th May 2023 at 22:47

yes, without video it is a little bit frustrating. Do you want to do it round by round with me? I can help you

April 4th January 2021 at 03:07

Hi Ann! Thank you for sharing this pattern – Just finished this hat in antique white yarn it made up beautiful.

Knitting Guru 14th January 2021 at 16:58

Thanks for your feedback and happy you like it


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